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IRT Rápido Hípica Campinas 2024

Senast uppdaterad30.11.2024 20:54:31, Creator/Last Upload: Panateniense

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1Francisco Ferrari Pironti22782311BRA2020U16
2Luiz Paulo Rouanet2105551BRA1958+60
3Ruan Souza Carneiro22797980BRA1939
4Pedro Alberto Martins Palmeira2104814BRA1933+60
5Jose Eduardo Carneiro Menezes2118700BRA1921+50
6Alexandre Freitas Souza Silva2114542BRA1917
7Francisco Jose Baena De Moraes2110431BRA1915+60
8Domingos Savio Perego2106329BRA1903+60
9Alan De Souza Videira22727752BRA1901
10Antonio Luiz Labegalini2110563BRA1878+60
11Romualdo L Portela De Oliveira22768610BRA1857+60
12Humberto Pazianotto Sanita22768726BRA1855
13Paulo Roberto Rizzoli2110490BRA1853+60
14Nestor Amancio Alves Junior2183293BRA1851+60
15Rodrigo Sandrini Giamarino2154625BRA1814
16Igor Ming De Mesquita22799346BRA1803
17Ivan Borin2185725BRA1796
18Daniel Julio S. Negri2180855BRA1791
19Caetano Albertini2167450BRA1755+60
20Miguel Machado Martins44781229BRA1746U12
21Felipe Reymond Simoes44737840BRA1735Hipica
22Lucas Moraes Guedes44743211BRA1723U20
23Vinicius Lindoso De Abreu22737847BRA1697
24Marcio Antonio Brandao Da Silva22730150BRA1690+60
25Ricardo Luis Tonela22754776BRA1683+50
26Davi Rodrigues Poit22730214BRA1653+60
27Guilherme De Carvalho44757131BRA1631U12
28Sergio Vicente Simioni44720599BRA1554+60Hipica
29Joao Paulo De Oliveira44735570BRA1516U16Hipica
30Pedro Henrique Silva Montagnolli44743246BRA1437U16Hipica
31Pedro Nigro Almeida Albino44778732BRA0
32Rodolfo Zuccherato BocatoBRA0
33Lucca BossolanBRA0
34Gabriel Santos da FonsecaBRA0
35Frederico Pacheco Vicente de AzevedoBRA0Hipica
36Carlos Eduardo de OliveiraBRA0+60
37Gustavo L A Portela De Oliveira22768602BRA0U18
38Francisco Ermelindo De Souza22716971BRA0+50
39Juarez Sanfelice Dias44778767BRA0+50
40Thiago Rahal Disposti44774176BRA0
41Victor Andrade e SilvaBRA0
42Amaro Ricardo FernandesBRA0+60
43Rodrigo Nahun Alvarez FerreiraBRA0
44Vitor Hugo FurianBRA0
45Cesar Augusto Penteado44743254BRA0+50Hipica
46Gabriel PenteadoBRA0+60
47Augusto Bonemer PortoBRA0
48Ewerton RodriguesBRA0
49Breno Herman Sniker44778805BRA0